March 10, 2006



There is something about a Friday (end of the work week!) with the sun shining (the prospects of a warm day to melt more [all?!] of the snow!), with signs of Spring (bye-bye Winter!) beginning to become more evident (the weather forecast calls for a high of 50-degrees F, with a 50% chance of thunderstorms for Saturday!) and the anticipation of spending a good weekend with my wife and kids (how about dinner and a movie - at home together - Saturday night?!) to know I am blessed by God!

And the mood at work today is great as we've just completed our annual "All Employees' Meeting" which contained 95% great news and 5% 'challenges with optimistic potentials' for the coming year!

Thank you!, Lord.

This truly is my favorite time of year. I love watching God's Earth come back to life after a long and dark winter.

I feel very blessed with another spring!
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